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Kirsten Tibballs exclusive online cooking class
If you missed our recent exclusive online cooking class with Kirsten, here's your opportunity to watch Kirsten create one of her favourite recipes from her new cookbook, Chocolate All Day, a Ginger Swirl Cake with white and dark chocolate marble glaze.
Shaun Lockyer
Discover esteemed architect, Shaun Lockyer’s ethos when it comes crafting sustainable spaces that connect people to place.
Miele Homegrown with Michael Meredith: Oliff Farm
Olliff Farm produces premium pasture eggs and has animal welfare and sustainability at the top of everything they do which is why Michael partners with this local family run business. Watch as Michael poaches Olliff Farm eggs at a gentle 63°C using the sous-vide function on his Miele combi steam oven.
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Access our complimentary demonstration classes designed to help you get the best out of your Miele appliances.
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